Captain Marvel #9

Captain Marvel 2.09Kelly Sue DeConnick // Filipe Andrade
March 2013

Carol runs errands, helps people & gets help in return. It’s refreshing to read a hero with a social network, instead of superman-as-loner angst (sadly, that arrives on the last page). But the real story is Andrade, whose loopy line & stylized figures give CM‘s art some real personality.

last issue: Captain Marvel #8
next issue: Captain Marvel #10

also indexed for Mar. ’13
Avengers Assemble #11
Hawkeye #7
Winter Soldier #14

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2 Responses to “Captain Marvel #9”

  1. jeremy09 Says:

    A lot of people did not like Filipe Andrade, but I think his style is awesome.

    Like LOOK at her punching that dinosaur. The perspective he uses, the elongation and exaggeration of the limbs, the action lines for the impact, the broken teeth and blood flying. I’ve never seen a Dinosaur get punched like that!

    • Aaron Strange Says:

      Really? Me too, I’m enjoying his style. With DeConnick writing traditional superheroics with a gendered twist, she needs unique art for her mag to stand out. Personally I would’ve hired Emma Rios but I think Andrade is great too. He doesn’t have the masculine hyper-muscles of the main Kirby/Adams/etc. tradition, which fits this mag. But King Kirby would tip his hat to the kineticism & dynamism. Action comics without the testosterone = Captain Marvel!

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