Archive for the ‘Frank Gianelli’ Category

Captain Marvel #1

February 29, 2016

Captain Marvel 3.01Kelly Sue DeConnick // David López
May 2014

Carol volunteers (off-panel) to do a ‘year-long’ tour of duty in space for the Avengers. If KSDC is up for space opera, I can’t say no! But what’s great is how briskly she sets up an interim status quo btw vol. 1 #17 and this mag’s new setting. So long to the new digs in the Statue of Liberty!

continued from Captain Marvel #17
next issue: Captain Marvel #2

also indexed for May ’14
Avengers Assemble #25
Hawkeye #17
Hawkeye #18
Moon Knight #1

Captain Marvel #17

February 23, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.17Kelly Sue DeConnick // Filipe Andrade
January 2014

CM returns from its digression into crossover-limbo, happily with Andrade in tow. Carol is given the key to the NYC, an apartment in the Statue of Liberty (!), even a new nemesis! A drone attack plays out in Times Sq, with Cap saved by a ‘Spartacus’ twist. It’s a nice topper to this run’s feminism, which links to the inspirational idealism of pure superheroics.

continued in Captain Marvel #1
last issue: Captain Marvel #16

also indexed for Jan. ’14
Avengers Assemble #21
Hawkeye #14

Captain Marvel #14

February 18, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.14Kelly Sue DeConnick // Scott Hepburn with Gerardo Sandoval
September 2013

Carol’s nemesis isn’t just a resurrected Kree villain, he somehow is the Kirbytech that gave her superpowers; to stop him, Cap gives herself brain damage. It’s comic-book science, not totally clear, but otherwise KSDC executes her finale ably, following the Buffy template of heroic sacrifice.

continued from Avengers Assemble #17
continued in Infinity #1 of 6
last issue: Captain Marvel #13
last issue: Captain Marvel #15

also indexed for Sept. ’13
Avengers Assemble #17
Hawkeye #12
Hawkeye Annual #1

Captain Marvel #13

February 16, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.13Kelly Sue DeConnick // Scott Hepburn with Gerardo Sandoval
August 2013

Marvel & her avenging friends fight a squadron of reactivated Kirbybots while deducing her attacker’s ID. The pacing’s a little slow (maybe this crossover didn’t need the opening one-shot) but otherwise the writing is tight—wonder how long DeCon will stay in comics before genre TV tempts her away?

continued from Avengers Assemble #16
continued from Avengers Assemble #18
last issue: Captain Marvel #12
next issue: Captain Marvel #14

also indexed for Aug. ’13
Avengers Assemble #16
Hawkeye #11

Captain Marvel #10

February 10, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.10Kelly Sue DeConnick with Christopher Sebela // Filipe Andrade
April 2013

Cap lifts a subway & fights a foe on the rooftops. It’s straight-up super-comics, which contrasts well w/ the loose, flowing art that’s way off from Marvel’s current house style. I’m not sure about a twist that has Carol grounded due to a brain lesion, tho’ it forces her into interesting decisions.

last issue: Captain Marvel #9
next issue: Captain Marvel #11

also indexed for Apr. ’13
Avengers Assemble #12
Hawkeye #8

Captain Marvel #9

February 8, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.09Kelly Sue DeConnick // Filipe Andrade
March 2013

Carol runs errands, helps people & gets help in return. It’s refreshing to read a hero with a social network, instead of superman-as-loner angst (sadly, that arrives on the last page). But the real story is Andrade, whose loopy line & stylized figures give CM‘s art some real personality.

last issue: Captain Marvel #8
next issue: Captain Marvel #10

also indexed for Mar. ’13
Avengers Assemble #11
Hawkeye #7
Winter Soldier #14

Captain Marvel #8

February 6, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.08Kelly Sue DeConnick with Christopher Sebela // Dexter Soy
February 2013

Soy wastes an opportunity to impress in a giant robot battle, tho’ his manga influence makes the romantic lead (a castmate from Carol’s Claremont era) suitably dreamy. When the plot has Danvers literally absorb Rambeau, it’s awesomely campy, making ‘self-aware’ comments superfluous.

last issue: Captain Marvel #7
next issue: Captain Marvel #9

also indexed for Feb. ’13
Avengers Assemble #10
Hawkeye #5
Hawkeye #6
Winter Soldier #13

Captain Marvel #7

February 4, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.07Kelly Sue DeConnick with Christopher Sebela // Dexter Soy
January 2013

Having adopted an Avengers mag, KSDC gets a scripter for the required team-up btw current & former Captain Ms! Danvers helps Rambeau (of the Avengers & Nextwave) solve a deep-sea mystery. It’s astonishing how a conventional superhero comic can be feminist just by having women converse!

last issue: Captain Marvel #6
next issue: Captain Marvel #8

also indexed for Jan. ’13
Avengers Assemble #9
Hawkeye #4
Winter Soldier #12