Archive for the ‘Happy Hogan’ Category

Avengers #28

August 26, 2013

Avengers 28Kurt Busiek // George Pérez
May 2000

Looking for trouble in C. America, the new roster finds a fantasy realm conjured by a wizard. Tho’ the mage originated in Roy T’s Conan, his creator is more properly Claremont, in Marvel Team-Up & a strange set of X-issues. Sword/sorcerey is an odd fit for this team too, but it suits Pérez superbly.

last issue: Avengers #27
next issue: Avengers #29

The Avengers #16

June 17, 2012

Stan Lee // Jack Kirby & Don Heck
May 1965
Recognizing the need to shake up this formulaic mag, editor Lee revises its mission by changing its cast. Cap excepted, the square-jawed heroes step aside for reformed criminals from other mags, antiheroes w/o titles of their own. The combat’s perfunctory; this ish aims for drama, not action.
[last issue: The Avengers #15]
[next issue: The Avengers #17]

The Avengers #9

June 10, 2012

Stan Lee // Don Heck
October 1964
Heck picks the mag up, replacing Kirby’s kineticism w/ a richer emotional palate. Take Cap, who’s now obsessed w/ Nazi hunting. Or see the issue’s antihero, a Superman stand-in. Initially he’s ready to trap the Avengers as corporate payback upon Tony Stark, but his conscience turns at the 11th hour.
[last issue: The Avengers #8]
[next issue: The Avengers #10]