Archive for the ‘Super-Adaptoid’ Category

Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #4 of 4

February 20, 2014

Annihilation Conquest Quasar 4 of 4Christos Gage // Mike Lilly
December 2007

A finale of dull, mechanical plotting. Phyla-Vell crashes & defeats her foe (a robot who copies superpowers) w/ Jim Kirk’s old trick: by having it mimic an illogical trait, imagination. Then P-V rescues the galactic savior, revealed as Adam Warlock (no surprise—he’s Marvel’s go-to cosmic messiah).

last issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #3 of 4
continued in Annihilation: Conquest #1 of 6

also indexed for Dec. ’07
Annihilation: Conquest: Star-Lord #4 of 4
Annihilation: Conquest: Wraith #4 of 4
The Immortal Iron Fist #10
Nova #7

Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #3 of 4

February 19, 2014

Annihilation Conquest Quasar 3 of 4Christos Gage // Mike Lilly
November 2007

A low panel-to-page ratio & lots of negative space show Lilly’s fatigue. The plot, meanwhile, is a sci-fantasy a la Heavy Metal. Quasar’s g’friend turns into a dragon (not a metaphor for queer love, sadly!) as they defend a peasant village from a marauding army rather than rescue a space messiah.

last issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #2 of 4
next issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #4 of 4

also indexed for Nov. ’07
Annihilation: Conquest: Star-Lord #3 of 4
Annihilation: Conquest: Wraith #3 of 4
The Immortal Iron Fist #9
The Immortal Iron Fist Annual #1
Nova #6

Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #2 of 4

February 18, 2014

Annihilation Conquest Quasar 2 of 4Christos Gage // Mike Lilly
October 2007

Ostensibly, the plot involves a race to summon a galactic messiah. But mostly it’s a pretext for the heroine to swing an energy-sword at monsters. The mini’s only distinctive attribute is that its leads are lesbian lovers, but this simply offers the artist a chance to draw twice as many nipples.

last issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #1 of 4
next issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #3 of 4

also indexed for Oct. ’07
Annihilation: Conquest: Star-Lord #2 of 4
Annihilation: Conquest: Wraith #2 of 4
Astonishing X-Men #22
The Immortal Iron Fist #8
Nova #5

Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #1 of 4

February 17, 2014

Annihilation Conquest Quasar 1 of 4Christos Gage // Mike Lilly
September 2007

Seeking a messiah to save the galaxy from a techno-infection is that rare bird, a female superhero! Phyla-Vell’s a double-legacy: her dad was Captain Marvel (the ’60s Marvel one), & she wears a ’90s space-knight’s power bracers. But her book’s all plot, no personality (lesbianism doesn’t count).

continued from Annihilation: Conquest: Prologue #1 of 1
next issue: Annihilation: Conquest: Quasar #2 of 4

also indexed for Sept. ’07
Annihilation: Conquest: Star-Lord #1 of 4
Annihilation: Conquest: Wraith #1 of 4
Nova #4

The Fantastic Four #336

June 26, 2013

Fantastic Four 336Walt Simonson // Ron Lim
January 1990
In a unique victory, Dr. Richards defeats Congress! He pokes enough holes in the concept of a federally mandated registration act to table the bill (HS 39110). Then a Doombot ends Acts of Vengeance & Grimm, in his robosuit, kayos an android. Also note: the covers to #334-6 are their own comic!
[last issue: The Fantastic Four #335]
[next issue: The Fantastic Four# 337]