Archive for the ‘Ms. Marvel (K. Khan)’ Category

Captain Marvel #17

February 23, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.17Kelly Sue DeConnick // Filipe Andrade
January 2014

CM returns from its digression into crossover-limbo, happily with Andrade in tow. Carol is given the key to the NYC, an apartment in the Statue of Liberty (!), even a new nemesis! A drone attack plays out in Times Sq, with Cap saved by a ‘Spartacus’ twist. It’s a nice topper to this run’s feminism, which links to the inspirational idealism of pure superheroics.

continued in Captain Marvel #1
last issue: Captain Marvel #16

also indexed for Jan. ’14
Avengers Assemble #21
Hawkeye #14

Captain Marvel #14

February 18, 2016

Captain Marvel 2.14Kelly Sue DeConnick // Scott Hepburn with Gerardo Sandoval
September 2013

Carol’s nemesis isn’t just a resurrected Kree villain, he somehow is the Kirbytech that gave her superpowers; to stop him, Cap gives herself brain damage. It’s comic-book science, not totally clear, but otherwise KSDC executes her finale ably, following the Buffy template of heroic sacrifice.

continued from Avengers Assemble #17
continued in Infinity #1 of 6
last issue: Captain Marvel #13
last issue: Captain Marvel #15

also indexed for Sept. ’13
Avengers Assemble #17
Hawkeye #12
Hawkeye Annual #1